Tips For Preventing Common Physical Security Threats.
While much of the focus in security work is on cyber and intellectual property type of threats, physical threats are still a very real factor to consider. Preventing these types of destructive threats on your business or residential property is not always easy unless you plan ahead.
Vandalism and Property Destruction Graffiti, broken windows and destruction of property are more severe on abandoned properties, but it can happen to any property. Boosting security measures on the perimeter, including fences and security gates, as well as adding security lighting, can help reduce the risk.
Burglary and Theft Burglary involves entering a building or structure with the intent to steal, while theft can happen inside or outside of a building. Preventing both burglary and theft include security fences, the use of key cards or access codes, as well as the use of security officers at gates and entrances to a building or property.