The Reality Of Domestic Violence.
Despite public awareness campaigns and education, domestic violence continues to be a factor in society. Domestic violence or intimate partner violence can be committed in all types of relationships, and both men and women can be victims or perpetrators. It can also include dating violence when the relationship is physically, mentally, or emotionally abusive.
Typically, domestic violence is hidden, with both the victim/survivor as well as the perpetrator keeping the abuse from friends and family. It often involves a complex dynamic of codependency and isolation of the victim by the perpetrator, which limits the options to get away from the perpetrator.
For people who are in relationships where domestic violence is a factor, the time immediately after a breakup or during a separation or divorce can be particularly dangerous. Reaching out for support from local domestic violence counselors and shelters, obtaining an order of protection, and developing a network of support can all help to increase personal safety at this critical time.