Pandemic Security Concerns For Essential And Non-Essential Businesses.
Both essential and non-essential businesses are facing unusual and challenging security concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic. While cybersecurity is always a concern and one that should be proactively addressed in the overall business security plan, physical security during these times is more of a unique situation.
To address these physical security issues, planning and implementing the best and most effective security processes should be at the forefront of business planning. Taking a look at the security needs of the property and staff of essential and non-essential businesses can help small to large stores, companies, and service businesses reduce losses and implement the best protective measures.
Hiring a security service to complete an evaluation of the potential issues for an essential or non-essential business is a wise decision. These evaluations highlight security weaknesses for the business, allowing the company to proactively address these deficits before there is some type of criminal activity on the property.
Non-Essential Businesses
Non-essential businesses are defined differently based on the guidelines of the state. In most areas, businesses such as clothing retailers, offices, or any type of entertainment venues, athletic facilities, concert or performance facilities, theaters, museums, historical buildings, and tourist attractions are non-essential. In addition, furniture stores, sporting goods stores, and many specialty retailers are closed.
These facilities are often grouped or clustered in specific areas. When there is general knowledge in the community that these stores, venues, and locations are empty, and there is limited foot or vehicle traffic in the area, there is opportunity for thieves and vandals.
One way to avert this type of concern is to use a security company offering patrol of the area. While CCTV and lighting are helpful, the security patrol with live security officers is the greatest deterrent. Security professionals are proactive in their approach to security and safeguarding the property on a 24/7 basis, while the use of CCTV systems and alarms are reactive.
Other practices, such as ensuring all assets and intellectual property items are secured within the building, are essential in securing closed businesses. Restricting access to the building by temporarily deactivating keycards and codes for doors and secure areas helps in reducing the risk of employee theft.
Essential Businesses
Essential businesses may require the services of security professionals in a crowd management and theft prevention aspect. Shoplifting and internal theft of high demand items are an increasing challenge in some areas, and security guards on-site are an important visual security measure. Positioning security guards at entrances and exits to essential businesses is a cost-effective option in preventing these types of losses.
Essential businesses should also be careful in screening new employees in the workplace, even if the business is scrambling to have staff on hand to stock shelves and keep the store running. Security professionals monitoring the receiving and shipping areas of the company are an effective way to reduce internal theft that can be prominent when businesses are operating in crisis mode.
Additionally, security services may be required at night for these essential businesses. Thieves are well aware of the increased revenue for these businesses, making them targets in any community. Security patrols throughout the day and night will help reduce these types of losses and risks.