Contracting a Security Guard Service: The Five Most Commonly Asked Questions.
In order to help you decide whether to outsource guarding or not, we have compiled a list of the most common questions and concerns about outsourcing security services.
1. How will I maintain my current level of security performance if I outsource my security program?
A security services firm will work closely work with you to establish security priorities and develop action plans, performance targets and measurement systems to accommodate your specific security needs.
2. Can I expect to save by outsourcing?
When converting to contracted security, you can expect to reduce your security program spend by 15 to 35 percent.
3. What if my security needs increase or decrease unexpectedly?
A significant advantage to having contract security is the flexibility to add trained personnel quickly, such as dealing with an immediate security problem, natural disaster, or special event. You can also reduce the security staff when necessary.
4. How can I ensure that security personnel will meet our expectations if the staff is not hired by my company?
Make sure the security services firm does pre-employment screening, which should include reference and criminal records checks, drug screening, and a standardized integrity test to ensure that you are provided with qualified, reliable staff.
5. What operational benefits are there to having contracted security personnel?
You have more freedom to reduce or replace security staff when necessary, without the costs, liability and publicity associated with layoffs or terminations (unless otherwise agreed).