Electronic Reports

Contrast handwritten reports with the following new electronic report and the difference is immediately apparent:

  • The contact information for the report is immediately visible.
  • The form is digital, so there is no handwriting to decipher.
  • The officer’s name is easy to see and read.
  • The format lists the various locations that are part of the officer’s routine patrol route, according to client preferences.
  • The time the officer is at the location is entered automatically and in the more common a.m./p.m. format.
  • Options under the locations allow the officer to add as much or as little information as required to document events. Dropdown options act as prompts for the officer and allow quick selection of relevant items.
  • Photographs add visual evidence to support what the officer writes. For example, the missing mailbox at 9:33 p.m.

Handwritten Reports

While handwritten reports offer valuable information, they have distinct disadvantages.

See an example of the handwritten reports:

  • An officer’s handwriting may be hard to read on the generic three-column form with no contact information.
  • Manually recorded times and locations provide no way to verify if a site was even visited or when. The 00:30 entry might make one question how diligently the officer was patrolling.
  • The officer has discretion about how to write the times. In the example, the time is entered in 24-hour clock format (20:30 instead of 8:30 p.m.), which might not be familiar to clients.
  • The remarks are limited to one line, so details are lacking. For instance, at 20:00 what was the source of the noise? What was done about it? Was it necessary to call the police? What are the names of those involved in the incident? Of course, an officer can use more than the one line, but that format discourages adding more than one line.
  • At 23:30, was the ground still wet in all areas? Was it wet because water was seeping out of the sprinklers? Did he check?
  • There is no opportunity to add photographs of any problem areas.

Contrast that report with the following new electronic report and the difference is immediately obvious.

Contact us today to add paperless electronic reports to your security program. (855) 753-7766


“Their employees have always been on time and have worked in a very professional manner.”

-Don Stevenson


“This organization would be an asset to any new account, and we are happy to give a full endorsement of Pro Security.”

-Alan Carter

Rules and regulations

“The security officers know our rules and regulations and enforce them. The officers are efficient and work well with our clientele.”

-David Diaz


“Pro Security has a great understanding of the law, and the policies and procedures of the security business.”

-Patty Rosas


“Pro Security officers arrive on time. They provide immediate, thorough reports and are prompt when responding to questions or concerns.”

-Barbara B. Bozon

Construction Site Security

“Their knowledge of construction site security helped to create a strategy to maintain the highest level of security for our site materials and equipment.”

-Frank Becerra


“Pro Security is a well-managed security company that understands their purpose and understands their clients.”

-Mary Arnold